
2019 Dublin
We held a day-long workshop on the last day of the PALSEA annual meeting (for more info, click here), which was attended by 42 researchers. The objective for this meeting was to discuss challenges encountered in archiving and standardizing RSL datasets from different locations across the globe and consider the key remaining questions regarding Holocene sea levels and what data or methodological gaps need to be filled to answer them.

2018 Italy
Following the IGCP 639 meeting in Italy, a joint workshop with the MOPP-Medflood group was held in Sicily with a focus on archeological indicators and advancements in glacio-isostatic adjustment modeling. 21 researchers attended the meeting organized by Matteo Vacchi and Gionvanni Scicchitano.

2017 Hong Kong
A regional IGCP 639 meeting was held at the University of Hong Kong, organized by Prof Yongqiang Zong, to bring together researchers from East and Southeast Asia to discuss open scientific questions regarding past sea levels in the region and to introduce the global database format to participants.

2017 South Africa
The second HOLSEA workshop was held in conjunction with the annual IGCP639 in St Lucia, South Africa . The workshop was attended by 42 researchers from 18 different countries. The objective for this meeting was to engage with researchers from locations underrepresented in the global sea-level data (e.g., South Asia, Africa). At the meeting, the preliminary global database was presented, and approaches to standardization and archiving of the data and modeling applications of the sea-level database were discussed.

2016 Oregon
The first HOLSEA meeting was held with the annual PALSEA2 meeting in Mt Hood, Oregon and was attended by 26 researchers from 8 different countries Prior to the meeting, participants sent in published regional sea-level data to address preliminary questions about the quantity, spatial and temporal distribution, and character of the available data. The preliminary global database was presented, and approaches to standardization and archiving of the data and modeling applications of the sea-level database were discussed.